Skin problems
Moles, acne, athlete's foot or ringworm. There are several types of skin disorders that are both troublesome and that you need a doctors help dealing with.
Moles are something we all have. In the vast majority of cases, they are harmless pigment spots. In some cases, however, moles can develop into skin cancer.
Moles are small areas on the skin that stand out from the shape and color of the skin in general. Virtually all people have moles. Some are born with moles, while others are born without, but both will be able to get more moles during life. It is perfectly normal to get new moles on the body. Normally you reach a peak around the age of 40, which is the period when you have the most moles on your body. On average, an adult human has about 20 moles on the body. But the number decreases after the age of 40.
Are the moles dangerous?
In recent years, people have become aware of the dangers of excessive sunbathing and the importance of proper protection. At the same time, people have become more anxious about the moles that they themselves have. Below are the so-called ABCDE criteria. These are used to judge moles:
- Asymmetry. Moles with cancer are asymmetrical in contrast to most normal moles which are symmetrical, so that one half is like a mirror image of the other. Moles with minor cell changes are also more symmetrical than in cancer
- Border. Mole cancer has a typical irregular and blurred border
- Color. Moles with cell changes or cancer have color shades from reddish brown to black. Mole cancer often has a reflective surface
- Diameter. Mole cancer usually measures over 5-7 mm in diameter
- Enlargement. Change or development of asymmetry, size or color should arouse suspicion
It is difficult to judge whether a mole is normal or not. A good rule of thumb may be that if it is larger than five millimeters and / or has black areas, you should contact a doctor. You can also get cancer in moles that are smaller than five millimeters. Therefore, contact your doctor if you have a mole that you feel unsure about.
What can I do myself?
It is important to avoid sunburn and limit sun exposure when the sun is at its highest.
Children should not get sunburned.
Protective, natural pigmentation should be achieved gradually without combustion.
Creams with sun factor can provide false security. You need to choose products that protect against both UVA and UVB. Even with sunscreen, you need to sunbathe with great care.
Early diagnosis is the most important factor for successful treatment. Everyone is encouraged to see a doctor if they notice growth in a brown or black spot on the skin, so that it is examined further. Skin changes that the doctor perceives as suspicious should be removed.
What can Eyr help with?
- Eyr can help assess your moles based on the ABCDE criteria
- Eyr can refer to a dermatologist if needed
- Eyr can advise and guide on preventive measures
Acne (pimples) is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin of unknown cause. Most people have mild ailments, but some suffer significantly and need treatment.
Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin, primarily located on the face and on the upper part of the upper body. The causes are complex and consist of increased sebum secretion and sebum that blocks the hair glands. Sebum that blocks the outflow from hair follicles and sebaceous glands is called blackheads. The skin also contains some bacteria which, together with blocked sebaceous glands, lead to inflammation, ie redness and swelling. This whole process is also affected by hormones, and innate properties in the skin play a role.
We can classify acne according to increasing severity:
- Superficial acne characterized by blackheads (mild acne)
- Acne characterized by red and tender bumps (moderate acne)
- Acne characterized by larger sores that leave unsightly scars (pronounced acne)
Almost all teenagers experience having pimples for shorter or longer periods. But some are much more bothered than others. The most serious cases we usually see in people aged 16-19 years. The problem often disappears in the twenties.
What can I do myself?
Daily washing with clean water and a mild and skin-friendly soap (pH approx. 6.5) may be sufficient for oily acne.
If you want to remove blackheads, it must be done gently. It is possible to get help from a beautician or dermatologist.
Natural sun and UVB solarium can reduce acne, but tend to worsen afterwards. In addition, neither a solarium nor exposure to the sun with UV index 2 without sun protection is recommended as self-treatment, due to increased risk of skin cancer.
The use of oily skin care products should be avoided, as they can clog the sebaceous ducts.
If you use make-up, water-based products are recommended, and the skin should be cleansed after use.
What can Eyr help with?
- Eyr can assess if you have acne and the severity
- Eyr can advise on treatment
- Eyr can prescribe medication
- Eyr can refer to a dermatologist when needed
Foot fungus
Foot fungus (tinea pedis) is a common fungal infection with typical symptoms such as itching, stinging and burning between the toes and in the soles of the feet. The condition is easily transmitted in public places such as municipal showers, changing rooms and gyms.
The fungal infection is usually located between two toes (most often between the two outer toes), but it can also spread to the toenails, soles of the feet and the sides of the feet.
Typical symptoms and signs of fungal infection are the following:
- Itching, stinging and burning between the toes, especially between the two extremities
- Itching, stinging and burning in the soles of the feet
- Itchy blisters
- Cracks in the skin and loose skin, especially between the toes and in the soles of the feet
- Dry skin in the soles of the feet and on the sides of the feet
What can I do myself?
Foot fungus is most common in adolescents and adults, but the condition also occurs in children. It is especially common in athletes, and is called in English "athlete's foot". Frequent changing of socks, making sure to keep your feet dry, and changing between different shoes, are measures that can help prevent athlete's foot.
In most cases, a topical treatment with a cream is enough. Both Lamisil / Terbinafine and Canesten / Fungoral have a good effect. Fungicides are available as cream, solution, gel and powder. There are some differences in dosage and duration of treatment, see the patient appendix in the package.
Solution is applied as a single treatment to both feet even if the lesions are only visible on one foot. Treated areas should not be washed until 24 hours after application. Apply only once per foot fungus period.
What can Eyr help with?
- Eyr can assess whether it is athlete's foot
- Eyr can advise on treatment
- Eyr can advise on preventive measures
- Eyr can prescribe medication
- Eyr can refer to a specialist if necessary
What is it?
Ringworm is a fungal infection of the outer layer of the skin. Tinea corporis means that there are fungi on the body ("tinea" - fungus, "corporis" - body). It is a condition usually characterized by a slightly itchy rash that has the form of a red ring with apparently normal skin in the middle. Fungal infections elsewhere on the body are also named in the same way:
- Foot fungus, tinea pedis: This fungal infection is located in the moist areas between the toes and sometimes on the foot itself
- Crotch fungus, tinea cruris. This fungal infection is found on the inside of the thighs
- Scalp fungus, tinea capitis. This form is most common in children and causes red, itchy spots on the scalp where the hair disappears
Ringworm on the body can be found on the arms, legs, body and face. The name ringworm refers to the appearance of the rash and has nothing to do with worms. Ringworm is a harmless condition, and the treatment consists of topical treatment with antifungal cream.
The condition is rare in children, but there is an increasing incidence with age
The typical rash is annular. It is the edge of the ring that is red and inflamed, while the skin inside the circle may look normal. The ring edge is slightly raised above the surrounding skin, is slightly scaly and the ring spreads outwards and continues with time. The rash itches. There may be more than one ring, and they may overlap. You can also have ringworm without having the typical red ring.
Ringworm is transmitted only by direct contact. The risk of infection ceases quickly with treatment, and children with ringworm can go to kindergarten the day after starting treatment.
What can I do myself?
Local treatment is sufficient in most cases. Lamisil is applied once or twice daily for two weeks. After the end of treatment, it may take another one to two weeks before the skin looks completely normal. Alternatively, there are a large number of other fungicides that can be used locally, e.g. Canesten or Fungoral. These drugs are lubricated two to three times a day, the usual treatment time is three to four weeks, or you continue with them until about two weeks after symptom relief.
In the case of widespread ringworm and proven fungal infection, it may require tablet treatment. Such treatment requires contact with a doctor and a prescription.
Be aware that tablet treatment can cause side effects. The most common are stomach discomfort, rash and affected liver function. Taking other medicines, such as antacids, may reduce the uptake of anti-fungal agents.
What can Eyr help with?
- Eyr can diagnose ringworm
- Eyr may prescribe appropriate treatment
- Eyr can advise and guide about the disease
- Eyr can refer to a specialist if needed
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