Any questions?
We have gathered the most frequently asked questions to help you find the answers to your concerns.
Scroll down to find answers to your questions. Hope that helps!

The service
What are Eyr’s opening hours?
Our doctors are available from 08.00 - 22.00 weekdays, and 10.00 - 22.00 at weekends, including Sunday and public holidays. Customer support is also available via Chat during the same time period.
What help can I get from Eyr’s doctors?
You can obtain medical advice and treatment from us. Based on medical evaluation, Eyr’s doctors can write e-prescriptions, medical and doctor’s certificates, and refer you for specialist treatment. If you need a physical examination and blood tests, you should consult your GP.
Read here for details of the symptoms our doctors can usually help you with via a video consultation.
Can I use Eyr when abroad?
Yes, you can talk to Eyr doctors via video consultation anywhere in the world, as long as you have a good Internet connection. Remember to download Eyr before you leave.
Can children use Eyr if a parent is present during the consultation?
Yes, children under 16 years of age can use the service if a parent is present. The parent must log in with their own BankID. Anyone over the age of 16 can use the service unaccompanied, using their own BankID.
Can the doctors speak English?
Yes :)
Referrals and medical certificates
Can I have a referral from the doctors at Eyr?
Eyr doctors always makes an individual medical assessment. If the doctor thinks they have enough information and specialist examination is needed, they will write a referral. Sometimes they will ask you to go to your GP, because a physical examination is needed first.
Referrals are sent by post to your registered address the same day. They cannot be sent by email.
Can I get a doctor’s certificate for absence from school?
Our doctors can issue doctor’s certificates for absence from higher education due to illness. Doctor’s certificates cannot be back-dated, so please contact the doctor immediately when you are ill.
Certificates are sent by post to your registered address the same day. They cannot be sent by email.
Can I obtain a doctor's certificate for a driving licence, activities or health check in connection with work?
No, such certificates usually require a physical examination and cannot be provided via a video consultation.
Can I get a medical certificate for absence from work due to illness from Eyr?
Eyr doctors are restrictive in writing medical certificates after a video consultation, and never for longer periods. If our doctors believe they have enough information to write a short-term medical certificate after assessing your condition, you will receive it.
Can I get a prescription from Eyr’s doctors? How do I receive my prescription?
Yes. The doctor will perform a medical assessment, and if you are deemed to need a prescription, they can quickly and easily write out an electronic prescription that can be collected from any pharmacy in the country immediately after the consultation.
Can I get a prescription for A- and B-class medications through Eyr?
Eyr’s doctors do not write prescriptions for A- and B-class preparations or addictive medicines.
Security and data protection
Is the service secure? How do you process my personal data?
Yes, the Eyr app uses BankID for secure authentication and login. All communication and health data is encrypted during storage and transport. Eyr meets the standards for data security in the health sector. You can rely on us to process your health data safely and securely.
Do Eyr’s doctors have access to my journal?
They only have access to your journal if you have submitted or created a journal at Eyr. Eyr’s doctors can also see your previous contacts with Eyr. An Eyr doctor can also open your master journal, which contains details such as allergies, prior hospitalisations and medicine use with your consent.
Will my GP know I've used Eyr?
No, your GP cannot automatically know that you have used Eyr. Any doctor that treats you can of course see your previous prescriptions. If you receive a referral via Eyr, it can also be made accessible to your GP.
Prices and payment
What does a consultation at Eyr cost?
A consultation costs NOK 350.
We cooperate with several major insurance companies. Over 400,000 people are covered by Eyr’s insurance agreement and can use us for free. Read more about our insurance contracts.
Do I have to pay if I did not receive the help I need after a consultation?
As a rule, we will reimburse the cost to customers who feel they have not received the help they needed, or who have been referred to their GP for a physical examination. Please contact us at If you did not receive the help you expected, we want to hear from you.