Depression is a condition characterized by decreased mood, decreased interest, lack of joy and loss of energy. Depression is a relatively common condition and about 20% percent of all women and 10% of all men will experience depression in their lifetime that needs treatment.
Depresjon er en tilstand som er karakterisert ved senket stemningsleie, nedsatt interesse, gledesløshet og energitap eller økt trøtthet. 15 til 25 prosent av alle kvinner og cirka 10 prosent av alle menn får i løpet av livet en depresjon som trenger behandling.
Depressed mood, loss of interest and desire, decreased energy and increased fatigue are the most common symptoms of depression.
Other symptoms may include guilt or bad conscience, feelings of inferiority or low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, agitation or inhibition, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite or weight loss. Some also experience suicidal thoughts.
Mild depression is a feeling of sadness that lasts for a minimum of two weeks and occurs two to three times as often as severe depression.
In many cases, the depressed person prior to the depression has experienced events that are described as painful or marked by shame. The event can be a real loss, but it can also be linked to one's own expectations of others or oneself. Problems in interpersonal relationships, rejection and ghosting can lead to depression.
Negative emotions directed at oneself may have arisen as a result of disappointments and losses in childhood, poor regulation of self-esteem, anger directed at oneself, and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are typical.
Biological conditions that can be contributing causes of depression include low metabolism, decreased B12 and lack of light in winter depression. -
What can I do myself?
It is important to find ways to stay active. Physical exercise has been shown to have a beneficial effect on depression.
Good routines with a focus on sleep habits, a healthy diet and daily exercise can prevent depression.
It is important to avoid social isolation. Reduce your drug intake. Increase the amount of activities in everyday life that give a feeling of mastery and satisfaction.
Talk to your loved ones about the issues
Do you have suicidal thoughts?
If you have or get suicidal thoughts, seek emergency care. In Norway you can call 116 117, GP or call a self-help phone if you need someone to talk to, for example at 116-123.
There is always hope and help to be had.
What can Eyr help with?
Our psychologists are available for video consultation and can offer conversation and follow-up when you need it. We can offer both support calls and longer treatment courses based on your needs.
Our psychologists have experience in helping patients become aware of negative thought patterns, defense mechanisms, assumptions and help you change these.
If you need to rule out underlying somatic causes of your ailments, the psychologist can refer you to one of our doctors for further follow-up.
de Zwart PL, Jeronimus BF, de Jonge P, et al. (October 2019).
"Empirical evidence for definitions of episode, remission, recovery, relapse and recurrence in depression: a systematic review". Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 28 (5): 544–562
Gilbert, Paul (2007).
Psychotherapy and counselling for depression (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Association. 2013.
The article is written and professionally quality assured by psychologist Cecilie Skupinska Løvset
We are here for you
Do you need to talk to someone? Get the help you need through video chat with one of our experienced psychologists.

Reference: Norwegian Medical Handbook, NEL
Edited and medically quality assured by Dr. Theresa Franck, specialist in general medicine.